overcloaking i72600k
Dogan0s, Jan 22 2012
hi guys 
i recently moved back to states (2 weeks ago) to stay for good.
gonna work as a manager at some pizza-restaurant stores(my uncle owns some)
its been a big decision for me since i had to leave greece (friends family gf etc) to make this move
and i really hope it goes well.I havent played any poker for the last 3 months.might aswell try my luck
here and start playing some again.
***a big thanks to LP for being the main school for me learning poker past 2 years,
grinding up to nl400 on various sites(mainly eurosites) grant me like 40k$ + like 60k$ more that ive spent allready
back in greece ***
special thx to nolan,heroes)engage,wobbly,tom,dusty and many more for posting hands teaching us noobs how to play 
anyway, im getting a new desktop next week and im looking forward to get it really highend
i7 2600k
Asus P8Z68 Deluxe
16gigs ram
geforce 570gtx
120g intel ssd
so my main question is will be worth it overclocking this to like 4.2ghz(3.5 is factory clock)
will i need extra cooling to do that? and hows my motherboard for such things.
i trust lpers more than a nerdy site i ll google to get answers for this so 
thx in advance and gl at tables 
lifetilt connected to poker..?
Dogan0s, Jan 07 2011
Happy new year all best of luck to all grinders out there.
I figured out i tilt too much in real life recently , tilt for stuff like didnt manage to get through lights while it was still green, or when i fail to go out for a coffee / drink with friends cause im beeing stuck at poker home,
when losing a game in sc2 etc or anything that wasted my time.
pretty normal stuff that never used to tilt me in the past.
Main problem i face is beeing very aggressive with friends or family.
poker used to tilt me more than normal , but nowdays i dont tilt that much in poker , but i do in life-.-
Do you think its connected to poker ?
pokerwise im doing pretty good @ nl100-200 , too bad the site is a piece of crap so i cant even post hands..
live pokers,how do they work
Dogan0s, Dec 06 2010
Hi LPers,
been playing alot in both stars and in a EU donk site.
managed some 2.5BB/100 in nl100 in stars and just stopped since
my winrate in that Eu donk site is like 10BB/100 or so..
Been 1 month since Greece added poker in casino's and i went today for the first time to play in the 2/5 table.
what i saw was ofc way different from online , but ppl with live expirience , what am i supposed to do with hands like AJ/A10/KQ and 99 and below pairs ?
I raise like 40 and get 4-5 callers.sometimes they even call pf with JJ+ and just push the money in in every single board with no overcard from their pair.
Is it better to get way more passive pf and just limp with AJ/A10/KQ (AQ aswell ?) and just aggro with nuts or strong hands since they are prob gonna pay me with worse?
gl at tables all
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